The Phantom of the Opera


          A little boy had the voice like an angel’s, but he had never been kissed by his mother because of his ugly face. One day, he ran away, for he could no longer bear a home without love. He joined a fair and got his nameErik. He wandered from fair to fair, but kept learning the skills from other members. Soon, he had no friends because of ”stealing skills”.

One night, a man called the Persian found him and invited him to the palace of the Shah. He was almost killed because of the Shah’s selfishness. Then he traveled to France and built an Opera House that was full of secret chambers and strange devices, and was called “the Phantom of the Opera”. There, he met Christine, and he taught her to sing. He had a big crash on this beautiful singer who had a perfect voice. He tried to possess her, but the one who she loved the most was Raoul, a handsome young man. Erik felt jealous, so he did all things he could to come between them.

For a time, it seemed that Christine loved Erik more than Raoul, but actually it didn’t. They were planning to escape from the Phantom of the Opera. They failed exactlybut Erik finally found that true love shouldn’t be forced, so he let them go, leaving him alone under the Paris Opera House.


Impressive Sentences:

  1. I had thought I had a friend. But I was wrong. I had only another enemy.
  2. I added a special touch to my house. A torture chamber to make the most wicked Shah or Sultan sigh with envy.
  3. All I could think of was Christine. So I left my house and followed her like a shadow.



I don’t think I can say this story has a happy ending. In fact, though Erik seemed to get love from Christine, the love wasn’t enoughonly enough to hurt him more. I didn’t say that Christine should stay with him forever, but what she did was cheating. She was a terrible liar, even though she looked like an innocent pure lamb. She made Erik believe that she loved him so much, but the truth was that the love Erik gave her was much more than she gave him.

Our education always tells us not to discriminate against people who don’t look that pretty or handsome, but it is true that appearance is usually more important than inner qualities. The appearance is important, but people really should look at a person’s personality and talent. That’s difficult, I know, but I think everyone still has to give it a try. Erik was such a smart man; he was a musician, an artist, and even a constructer. He was a genius, but what’s the ending of his life? He stayed with mice in the dark wet place! He lived a life full of tragedies, only because of a horrible face!

I have a pity for Erik, but I don’t agree with using violent ways. Nothing should be dealt with violence, no matter how rude the person is. This world should be full of peace, not savageness .I don’t like Christine, but I still feel pity for hershe abandoned a genius and chose the usual one.


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