Anne of Green Gables


Anne was a romantic and talkative girl whose parents had died early. That is, she was an orphan. One day, a surprise came to her being adopted, But actually, the fact was that the adopters, Marilla and Mathew Cuthbert, wanted a boy to help on the farm. At first, Marilla decided to send Anne back, but she changed her mind when she saw the new adopter of Anne was so rude and unreasonable.

Imagination made Anne a lovely but a troublemaker. She put flowers on her hat while going to church, made her best friend drunk, and cracked the slate on a boy’s head.

Diana Barry was the best friend of her, who was a pretty girl with black and curly hair, Gilbert Blythe was the most handsome boy in her class, who mocked at her red hair as “carrots”. Anne was really loyal to Diana, and really hated Gilbert. She had many friends, but none of them were more important than Diana. Although Gilbert said sorry to her many times, she still didn’t forgive him until the ending of the story.

Anne was also hard-working. She studied as hard as she could to be admitted to the Queens, and after that, she was planning to go to the college. However, Marilla’s eyes became worse and worse day by day. She might lose her sight, and if Anne went to college, nobody could take care of her. As a result, Anne gave up her chance and chose to be a teacher. Gilbert, who had also become a teacher, gave his job this job he got was teaching at the school where they lived to her and find another school to teach. Because of this, Anne forgave all the things Gilbert had done before and became good friends with him.


Anne of Green Gables is a famous story all over the world, and before reading this novel in English, I had already read the book in Chinese. I have to say that this “small novel” makes the story really short and loses many interesting plots, but it is still worth reading.

In this story, I like Miss Stacy because she was such a great teacher. Mr.Phillips, Anne’s former teacher, didn’t treat equally without discrimination he paid more attention to Prissy (The book said that she was a beauty, but in the movie, she was not as pretty as I imagine.) and wasn’t as kind as Miss Stacy. Even though she only appeared for a short time in the story, she showed that she not only taught much better than Mr.Phillips, but was also nicer to her students. I thought that she liked Anne the most, but she still correct Anne in a strict voice when she saw her daydreaming in the test.

Miss Stacy helped students with both schoolwork and lives. ”Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes,” was what she told Anne. She wanted to teach her not to be sad because of making mistakes. We often feel upset or frustrated, but we shouldn’t keep the mood until the next day, or we might feel bad all the time. Every day is new and different!

All of the characters have their own personality traits, and that’s why Anne of Green Gables is well-known. I learned a lot from this book, such as not being muddleheaded like Anne……but being hard-working like her!


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